"Aag Ka Darya" by Quratulain Haider is a masterpiece of Urdu literature, traversing centuries and continents to explore themes of identity, history, and human connection. Haider weaves together the stories...
"Chalees Charagh Ishq Ke - چالیس چراغ عشق کے: The Forty Rules Of Love" by Elif Shafak is a captivating novel that intertwines two parallel narratives—one set in the 13th...
Hamlet, penned by the prolific playwright William Shakespeare during the early 17th century, stands as a cornerstone of literary excellence and theatrical prowess. This tragic masterpiece, ,unfolds against the backdrop...
"Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel" by Lisa Zunshine delves into the profound reasons behind our fascination with fictional narratives, exploring the intricate relationship between literature...